Welcome to RBC An Ordinary Church Proclaiming An Extraordinary Savior.
Bellefontaine, Ohio
Welcome to RBC An Ordinary Church Proclaiming An Extraordinary Savior.
Bellefontaine, Ohio
Bellefontaine, Ohio
Bellefontaine, Ohio
We are a body of believers who are committed to worshiping the Triune God in Spirit and truth, witnessing to the grace and redemption that is freely offered to sinners by grace alone in Christ alone, and walking in love toward those in the church and in the community.
Pastor Dana Kidder preaching from Acts 17:1-9 at Redemption Bible Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Our symbol is called the Chi Rho and is directly linked to the name of Christ. In the Greek, the “X” (chi) and “P” (rho) are the first two letters in the name of Christ (Χριστός). Along with the cross and the fish, the chi rho is one of the earliest symbols for Christ and his disciples. It is our desire that people would see this symbol and understand our unapologetic commitment to the gospel of grace.
There are many reasons why we practice communion every Lord’s Day. Although there have certainly been times where this has not been the case, we see it as a pattern for the church through history, we see it as the pattern of the New Testament Church, and we desire our worship services to be thoroughly Christ centered. We strive to follow the example set by the church in Acts 2:42, “And they devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers.”
On the first and third Sunday of every month, we gather after worship to eat together and continue the fellowship. This has become a special time of table fellowship as we bring some potluck food to share. It is one tangible way that we are able to be hospitable toward one another, as well as reinforcing Jesus’s teaching on the family of God from Mark 10:28-30, “Jesus said, ‘Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.”
Our families are busy. We do have periodic men’s and women’s Bible studies during the week, but we have continued to commit to Sunday as the Lord’s Day; the day where we come together for worship, discipleship, and fellowship. Therefore, we have continued to stress the importance of Sunday School as a time to gather to study God’s Word together in a way that is conducive to discussion and mutual encouragement.
At RBC, we love children! We believe that children are always a gift from the Lord. We also believe that the gathered worship is the primary means of discipleship in the church. We love to have kids sing, pray, and hear God’s Word right alongside their families. We do understand that for the youngest children, there sometimes needs to be a place for them to go to wiggle and move, and so during the service we do have both a nursery for babies and a room for toddlers.
169 County Hwy 32 N
Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311
Tuesday and Thursdays 10am-2pm